You are the author of your ‘Life book’

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Let me ask you a question. Do you remember anything from your past life? Or any idea about how your next life is going to be? No, right? But, you know you have one life right now in your hands. And let me tell you this ‘one life’ is ENOUGH if you live it right.

I have often heard people saying, and I admit I said it too a few times that Life is hard, Life is challenging, Life is so busy, Life sucks etc. But isn’t it still better than death? Life is hard, but will we value it if it was too easy? Life might be a challenge but we have all the tools and strengths to face this challenge. Life is busy but it also means we are being productive.

We need to change our perception and shift our focus from negative to positive. Everybody faces ups and downs in their lives. Even those whom we call successful today like Oprah Winfrey, Mark Zuckerberg, Tony Robbins and many more have all gone through different colors of life, some good some bad. But their hard work, their positive outlook and their zeal to live the life of their dreams, have brought them where they are.

We all have big dreams and ambitions. Its time to bring them into reality. Turn your dreams to realistic goals, set timelines, work hard day and night in the direction of your goals, stay positive, stay focused. Shape your life, make it beautiful. It is your property, it is your responsibility.

Don’t worry if there were some bad chapters in your book of life. You are still holding the pen. You still have the power to write and change the story. You still can make sure it has a happy ending.

Make your book worth reading 🙂

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